King Street Apartments – Week 06

At times it seems like the foundation work slows to a molasses like crawl. Something we haven’t documented here or discussed is the placement of the underground plumbing. Luckily on this project there isn’t too much since the bathroom stacks all route to a couple locations, through the slab and on their way to the wastewater treatment facility.

Work has been moving along and now the base level of gravel under the slab has been placed. The crew is working hard to get things ready for the slab pour which is scheduled in the next couple days. There is a lot of rebar yet to be placed!

While things have been progressing under our feet they’ve also been moving along above or heads. Pear past the chain link fence and you can see the form work for the PT deck. It overhangs the walls by a few inches in order to accommodate the finish materials. This way the brick above will align with the edge of the PT deck and the block below. It will make for a nice transition between materials and levels.